Yes, thats right! When we like any music any rock songs we are searching for the lyrics in the internet. But this is very time consuming, you know that. Now-a-days most of the people listen to the music in their mobile phones or in mp3 players outsides when they are riding or walking. Searching for any song lyrics at that time in Google is such a pain. Well now you can find any song lyrics any time any where with this cool mobile app called Lyreka.

Lyreka is a song lyrics sharing and music discussion app for all music lovers. This app is not only for finding the lyrics, you can share your thoughts about the song, music and the meaning of that lyrics to anyone connected with this app online. You can get point if anyone like your thoughts or meaning, isn’t it cool!?

Lyreka is an one stop music discussion platform where you can find music enthusiastic and similar music minded people to promote your music.

Almost 75 percent of Americans today actively listen to music. So this is a great app for them to find out song lyrics, music discussion instantly with their mobile anytime and from anywhere.

What are the features of Lyreka app?

  • 900,000+ music collections with interpretations and thoughts
  • Sharing features of interpretations and thoughts
  • Comment and contributing option
  • Follow other users with similar interest
  • Music search with music text recognition
  • 40,000+ artists profile
  • 100,000 albums and releases
  • User profile creation with cover image
  • Song search with music or video attachment
    and many more..

Lyreka is now available on Apple App Store, Google Play and Windows App Store.

iOS App Store:

Google Play Store:

Windows App Store:

Find latest updates and features from their official website and from social media profiles Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus