If you love listening to classic country, then “Falling Star” by Ray William Roldan is what you should be listening to. The lyrics of this song are well written and tell a story to the listener. As the lyrics of the song proceeds to the chorus, it will get your feet tapping and make you want to dance. There is a delightful guitar solo performance by Ray.

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R W Roldan

About R W Roldan

Born in Jersey and raised on the West Coast, RW Roldan is someone who has something to say. He grew up listening to artists like Johnny Cash, Elvis, George Jones, Rick Nelson Merl Haggart, and many others. In his late teens, he picked up the harmonica and guitar. His heart had always been in the classic songs that he grew up on. He received guidance from his grandfather, who was a professional Swing Beat drummer. To R.W. Roldan, the best aspect of music is its inherent ability to make a story understood and enjoyed carried by the emotions music creates. R.W. Roldan’s songs reflect his interests in the human condition. From birth to death, love and loss, cheatin’ and being true, celebration and struggle, cool cars and journeys, outlaws and rebels, saints and kindness and the hard workin’ like him.