The 2020 USA Elections witness many supporters across the States as well as from other countries shouting out in jubilation. It sounded like an epic turn, of course an inevitable one and there we head many celebrations from all around the world. Even before the results, several artists were seen coming up with new works and collaborations to voice their opinion and support. Joe the Bluesman was one of them.

On April 14, 2020 the artist had released his single “I Was Born American” to some of the major music platforms such as Spotify, which is was followed by a music video launch on YouTube on October 16, 2020. The song begins with the beating of the drums during a parade, followed by the slow strumming of the guitar as it progresses towards the singer’s voice adding in. The song has a country-side tone and is a good one to listen to in a relaxed mode or if you feel the urge of a patriotic surge. The links to the song are mentioned below and you can click to listen or watch the video from here —

Watch the video below:


Single Audio Link:

Influence of the Song on Both the Political Parties

Showing his support for the election Joe tweeted the song to the Bidden campaign. This had an unexpected result; support from the Trump campaign and Twitter account. The Trump campaign retweeted the song on Twitter.

Raised to be a lifelong democrat Joe never expected support from the Trump campaign. He’s perplexed by the Trump campaign’s support due to the song’s subject matter. The song’s origins stem from the character Tom Joad and the movie Grapes of Wrath. He states “The character, Tom Joad, and this movie impacted how I viewed America growing up as a kid.”

Joe is grateful for the support from the Trump campaign and the retweets. He hopes for more left-leaning support and continues to reach out to the Bidden campaign.